Welcome to the blog!

Here's a little about me:

Hi, I’m Matthew.
I entered the workforce from academia with little real world experience.
As a student, success had always come from study, research, and analysis.
I vaguely imagined that I would reason and analyze my way through any work challenges and move on to a brilliant career.
That was my first mistake.
I also assumed everyone to be like-minded and fundamentally reasonable.
That was my second mistake.
In fact I was unprepared for how people actually operate in real world, high pressure work environments.
I struggled to prove myself, add value, and be effective. In a moment of brutal honesty I realized I was just surviving in my safe zone.
Over the next couple of years I gradually reinvented my role. Leveraging my college study skills I learned how to use software to automate business processes. With that I managed to solve significant contract management challenges we’d had.
From there I moved to Oracle Corporation in the heart of Manhattan; it was a hot company in a hot industry in a hot city. The work pace fast, expectations high, the energy intoxicating. My learning curve went vertical. For the first time since I’d started working I was somewhere I really wanted to be; it was exhilarating.
Since Oracle I’ve been a Senior Manager with Deloitte Consulting, a Digital Officer for a French multinational, and many other things.
Back in New York I now lead an amazing team specialized in data strategy for clients in all kinds of different industries.