When I started working I didn’t know there was such a thing as a personal brand.

In fact I stumbled onto mine by accident:

I was a recent hire, doing my job, minding my own business.

As a confirmed introvert I assumed I’d do good work, get noticed and be promoted when the time was right.

Part of my work involved generating invoices for contracts I’d worked on.

This was tedious, lots of re-typing involved, so I studied how that might be automated.

I built a simple database and an invoice template.

It took me a little time but from then on, with minimal effort I could produce invoices on demand.

Small thing but it was noticed. It started the ball rolling.

My invoicing was running circles around everyone else’s lol.

Companies like invoicing faster. After a few months I was asked to roll my homegrown solution out to the rest of the company.


And that definitely go noticed.